My day started off at 4am, when I discovered while trying to use the bathroom (because when you're old, you wake up at 4am to use the bathroom) that at some point during the night my toilet had overflowed. Then my boyfriend yelled at me because my toilet overflowed. Don’t look for logic, there, as none will be found; but suffice it to say that I am re-examining my recent declarations that my old man is a saint.
I decided to stop on my way to work and buy bagels for my team, as I knew today would be a difficult one. The Most Chipper Man in the World sold me said bagels and was so nice that I made an internal note to use his shop as my sole source of bagel-goodness, going forward. However, even his good karma did not help me as I tripped and fell on my way to my car. The bagels stayed in their box and were fine. My right knee? Not so much.
Upon getting to work, we had a massive staff meeting wherein we were all informed that my employer has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and that new owners are on the horizon. I knew all of this was in the works, of course (I am the Little Big Woman, after all), but the official announcement has meant lots and lots of questions from my staff, customers and vendors. It’s been a real treat fielding those inquiries, let me tell you.
During a break in the action, I checked my personal email and discovered a “lovely” little note from this man in a country band I auditioned for a couple of weeks ago, declaring that I am arrogant. Um…excuse me? They loved me two weeks ago and were all jazzed about having me join their band. And let me just say that it was actually quite difficult for me to tell them I wasn’t interested, cuz I thought they were all very nice guys. I made every effort to be extremely tactful when telling them that I had absolutely no desire whatsoever to sing those lame-ass Toby Keith and Brooks and Dunn songs. Sheesh. Sour grapes much? Rejection is a mother-fucker, ain’t it? The author of that email was like that guy you used to date and after you dump him he tells you that you were never very good in bed anyway.
Not that that’s ever happened to me, you understand. I’m just sayin’…
And to paraphrase The downside of being better than everybody else is that people tend to assume you’re arrogant.
Aside from these little distractions, it’s just been a stellar day down here in the OC.