Yo, kids.
So Friday night I took Dr. Niece and her BFF Mimi to Culver City to see Mr. Mike Stinson. Um…I got home at 5am Saturday.
Not only did I get home at an ungodly hour but, because he had to work, The Old Man’s alarm went off at 6:30am. Ninety minutes after I got home. And then, of course, we had to start talking to each other. By the time the dude left for work, I was wide awake and although I tried my gall-darndest, I never went back to sleep. Instead, I worked from home (have we discussed the fact that I am fed up with my job?) and piddly-farted around the house until the Old Man got home and we went to have fish tacos for linner (late lunch/early dinner)*.
Good lord, I was tuckered.
I got lots of sleep Saturday night, though. Like 13 hours or something. I didn’t wake up Sunday until 11am.
The more important topic of discussion, though, is Mr. Stinson himself, who just utterly rocks. You know, like only a country boy can rock. I have not seen him in over two years and am now kicking myself that I haven’t been going out to see him, like, once a week. It really should be part of my routine. I left the bar worn out but energized and just loving life in a way that only really great music can make me love it.
I don’t know if I was just in dire need of a shot of pure music (which is a distinct possibility) or if Mike Stinson is, like, the second-coming; but whatever the reason, I had an experience Friday night which was akin to three hours worth of really great sex. With a kickin’ band playing in the room.
An added bonus? Mike Stinson is a super nice guy. He came over and chatted with us for a few minutes during his break and even recognized me from MySpace and complimented the picture I have on my profile there (which is a tribute to the Johnny Cash middle finger picture).
Plus, my niece totally put him on the spot, telling him I sing and if he ever needs a female singer…so he was super-sweet and was saying we should talk on the phone and plan a song we can sing together the next time he plays there. Sure, he totally could have been humoring the silly drunk girls, but still…super cool. Those of you outside of So. Cal. may not recognize his name, but believe me when I say that Mike Stinson is a very well-respected songwriter ‘round these parts. I’m sure he has all kinds of girls coming up to him and saying, “Hi, I’m a singer, *giggle-giggle*…” and the fact that he was so open and cool about my niece throwing me in his face just showed a lot of class.
Plus, if he wasn’t humoring me? Um…I may piss my pants from happiness. The chance to sing even harmony on one song with his truly awesome band is…just not even something I can even think about right now without breaking in to, alternately, a huge grin accompanied by claps of joy or…hives.
The bar he played in was the Cinema Bar in Culver City. Great place. It’s a small bar that serves strong, tasty drinks at reasonable prices (which for LA is a major miracle). Nice crowd, too. We talked (and danced) with lots of cool people (including Pamela des Barres, who is a big Stinson fan), but didn’t have to deal with gross guys drooling in our cleavage or anything.
OK, one guy did tell me I'm hot...and he is now my new best friend.
I made a pledge to go see Mike Stinson at the Cinema again on August 29…and now realize that I am supposed to go see freakin’ Melissa Etheridge that night! AARRGGHH!!
Look, Melissa Etheridge is…OK…I like, like two of her songs. I like that she’s a girl who rocks and I like her voice (and can I just say I kill her songs during drunken karaoke!). But she is just too overwrought for my taste. I mean, aren’t we a little old for all that angst? I did see her once at some “Women Rock” show I won tickets to and I will say she was very good live. But the main reason I am going is that my friend Liz wanted to go and I love Liz. So now, I am committed to seeing someone I don’t really care for all that much, instead of someone I may well be completely in love with.
Good thing he plays often ‘round these parts. He is playing the 25th in L.A., so I will probably go then. The Old Man is going to hate me that week, though, cuz I am supposed to go see bands on the 24th, now the 25th, the 28th and the 29th.
Who needs sleep?
I am going to have to be very nice to the dude between now and then. Four nights in a week is a little crazy and it’s a bit much to ask him to just sit home alone all those nights, while I’m out drinking and cavorting with my friends. Who am I, Waylon Jennings? I think I will have to make some tough choices about who I really need to see and who can wait. I have to go see Mike, cuz it’s either the 25th or tonight and tonight is just too soon. Even though I apologized for the lateness of my arrival home and even though he says he’s OK with it, the Old Man has been acting like a piss-head all weekend and I’m fairly certain he’s a tad miffed. I did go out twice last week. I need to stay home for a while and make sure he knows he’s still tops in my world.
These things would be a lot easier if the Old Man was in to music like I am and/or liked hanging out in bars every once in a while…
Anyway, in between tonight and the 25th, Mike is only playing in freakin’ Fresno. So I have to see him on the 25th or wait until September. There is an old band (well, like ten years old) which just reunited called the Beachwood Sparks and they’re playing on the 24th. I have never seen them, but they sound like they’d be interesting. On the 28th, two of my old Mocositos bandmates are playing an acoustic gig in Long Beach. When I told them I was going to come see them, they asked me to sing a few songs with them. So now I am kind of committed to that. The 29th is Melissa (dammit!).
Who knew that a plethora of good live music was ever going to be a problem?
* Oh, and I also had some onion rings, cuz I had been craving them the night before and friggin Canters was out of them by the time Dr. Niece, Mimi and I got there at like 2am. Damn Canters. And then, over the next 24 hours or so, my stomach reminded me why I should not be eating onion rings…