So as it turns out, I am not singing with my old Mocositos buddies on Thursday night, after all. Long story short: Mike’s girlfriend hates me and he doesn’t want any drama. It’s all very junior high and not even worth writing about.
Yes, the whole thing is a bit disappointing, but really I am not surprised and I’m not exactly mad or anything of that sort. I guess I just have very low expectations when it comes to these people to begin with, which keeps me from getting mad every time something crappy happens...which is almost every time. One of these days, I will just stop saying yes to begin with.
Plus, I may think Mike has no balls, but this woman is his girlfriend and he has chosen to make a life with her. They bought a house together and she is obviously not going anywhere soon. She really has to be his priority. I mean, if I didn't want the Old Man hanging out with some woman, for whatever stupid reason I may have, I would expect that he not hang out with her.
But eyah - I don't exactly feel like going out there and acting like a fan at this point, so I won’t be going to the gig.
The boyfriend has a female friend that I can't stand -- and I have to suck it up and deal. GRRR.
So sorry that you don't get to sing Thursday night. It's too bad that she can't suck it up and deal.
Posted by: A | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 07:26 PM