I wrote the following in my old blog the day after Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California. Oh, how I wish I had been wrong about these things…(all notes in paranthesis are my new comments)
Here's what I have to say about the fact that the Terminator is now the Governor of my state: All of you who voted for him because you “think it will be funny” (and MANY people gave me that exact reason): I hope you’ll be happy when Arnold fucks things up even more than they are now. And I doubt you’ll be laughing very much when either the state has no money for any programs (we don’t) or we end up paying a lot more in state taxes in an effort to balance our budget (as we are now doing. Any break we’re getting on a Federal level is going to the state this year). Sure, maybe our car tax won’t be tripled, as Davis threatened (although it is not tripling, it is going up by $125 or so). But these problems are not going away simply because Gray Davis is no longer in office (they didn’t). In fact, the deficit and budget problems weren’t his fault to begin with. Remember the days of Republican Pete Wilson’s completely out of control spending? Remember his sweet deals with the likes of Enron that raped us and left us with insufficient (purchasable) electricity? Remember how Proposition 13 cut huge swaths through our property taxes, leaving us no money for education and the building of roads and prisons and stuff? There’s your problem, people. Gray Davis was not the real problem.
Here's what I have to say about the fact that the Terminator is now the Governor of my state: All of you who voted for him because you “think it will be funny” (and MANY people gave me that exact reason): I hope you’ll be happy when Arnold fucks things up even more than they are now. And I doubt you’ll be laughing very much when either the state has no money for any programs (we don’t) or we end up paying a lot more in state taxes in an effort to balance our budget (as we are now doing. Any break we’re getting on a Federal level is going to the state this year). Sure, maybe our car tax won’t be tripled, as Davis threatened (although it is not tripling, it is going up by $125 or so). But these problems are not going away simply because Gray Davis is no longer in office (they didn’t). In fact, the deficit and budget problems weren’t his fault to begin with. Remember the days of Republican Pete Wilson’s completely out of control spending? Remember his sweet deals with the likes of Enron that raped us and left us with insufficient (purchasable) electricity? Remember how Proposition 13 cut huge swaths through our property taxes, leaving us no money for education and the building of roads and prisons and stuff? There’s your problem, people. Gray Davis was not the real problem.