This is the transcript of an email I just sent to my blonde sister, so if my blonde sister is reading this - my apologies for the redundancy. But frankly, I do not have time to type this shit out twice.
I am having an extremely crappy day and will most likely here here until f'n midnight tonight!
OK, slight exaggeration; but I will probably be here late...of course, I always work late these days, but I'll be working later than usual tonight. Mainly because I tried to work from home last night, but couldn't get my remote connection to actually connect so I was unable to do so until like 11:00pm and by that time there was no way I was going to start the project I was supposed to have done by this I had to do that first thing (I just got finished w/ it, actually) and now I have today's multitude of projects to get done - which, by the way, would have been more than a full days' work on their own.
So do you see why I say - AARRGGHH!!!!?
Plus, my boss sent me an email this morning in which he kind of nailed my ass to the floor and I am a bit miffed. Not at him, per se, but at the situation. He is really just doing his job and I know he's under a lot of pressure. However, I need to talk to him because:
A) He knows zippo about Credit so he does not seem to understand what my workload is like now that I am so short-staffed and Spring has sprung...although the truth is, I don't think they will care - everybody is short-staffed and I get paid to do what I need to do to get the shit done, you know? However, he is my boss now, but it very apparent that he has no idea what I do, exactly. I think he should understand so that at the very least he may have an inkling as to why I may get behind on some things. I mean, do you want me to spend my day setting up new accounts, approving credit lines and making sure orders get out the door or do you want me to spend it creating yet another in a series of Excel spreadsheets which all essentially provide the same information, but in different formats (and sometimes with lovely pie charts!)?
B) He does not seem to understand that my former boss didn't show me squat about how to do certain things I am now expected to do - Accounting-type things about which I am essentially clueless because I am not an Accounting professional and never expected to be asked to perform Accounting functions. I have no problem doing anything, of course; but it would be nice to know what it is, precisely, that I am supposed to do and why I am doing it.
C) I need to talk with him about the fact that my brain is still not up to par and ask for his patience. I know he was not filled in by my former boss as to what my issues were subsequent to The Halloween Incident, 2008. I don't even know if his boss (our CFO) knew everything that was going on. I had not talked to him about it mainly because when I first came back things were still relatively slow around here and I thought that by now I would be OK.
I am also starving because I of course have not had lunch. I am eating some almonds now and taking this wee break before I get back to the two projects I have to complete before I can leave tonight.
I guess I'd better get back to it. I just wanted to vent.