Hello, old blog buddies of mine.
So I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time writing these days. I mean, really writing. As I may have mentioned here a time or three thousand, I am working on a novel. Hence, my noted absence from this blog of late – all of my writing energy has been poured in to said novel. And while you may not think it takes much energy to create blog entries which begin with the words, “You would not believe the dream I had last night…” it does. Take energy, I mean. And that energy has recently been channeled elsewhere.
The good news is, I have written 215 pages of my novel, as of last night. Two hundred and fifteen friggin’ pages, mein peeps!
I am astounded.
And pleased. And excited. And excited that I am still excited about this.
I have gotten some feedback, finally, most importantly from two people whose opinions I trust and value, as I know they are being honest with me. I am therefore no longer in a constant state of panic over the thing, although I am already dreading the day when I am finished with it, because then I won’t have anything to be this excited about anymore.
How sorry is that, by the way? I am nowhere near done – especially if you consider the editing yet to come - and am already bumming about the prospect.
Anyway, my main reason for stopping by today is to let you all know that my niece’s brilliant husband Jared Schorr is showing a couple of pieces in a group show here in LA. The opening reception is this weekend. If the prospect of some really fine art is not enough of a draw, I shall be there Saturday night and who doesn’t want to hang out with me?
Show Details:
The Kids Are Alright
Opening Reception
Saturday, July 18th
7:00 pm – 10:30 pm
Black Maria Gallery
3137 Glendale Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90039
The show runs from July 18th – August 8th if you can’t make the opening
After the show, I’ll be going to the Cinema Bar to check out Tony Gilkyson, who I haven’t seen in years. But he shares a certain bass player with Mike Stinson, so Dr. Niece and I are going to check them out.
Speaking of Mr. Stinson…heartbreak has come to my little corner of the world, as I discovered that he is going to be moving. To Texas!
I can not even tell you how sad that makes me. I mean, good luck to him and all, but crap! Now I have to find a new honky tonk hero and let me just say that they are few and far between (although there is a remarkably large pool from which to choose here in the Southland).
So I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time writing these days. I mean, really writing. As I may have mentioned here a time or three thousand, I am working on a novel. Hence, my noted absence from this blog of late – all of my writing energy has been poured in to said novel. And while you may not think it takes much energy to create blog entries which begin with the words, “You would not believe the dream I had last night…” it does. Take energy, I mean. And that energy has recently been channeled elsewhere.
The good news is, I have written 215 pages of my novel, as of last night. Two hundred and fifteen friggin’ pages, mein peeps!
I am astounded.
And pleased. And excited. And excited that I am still excited about this.
I have gotten some feedback, finally, most importantly from two people whose opinions I trust and value, as I know they are being honest with me. I am therefore no longer in a constant state of panic over the thing, although I am already dreading the day when I am finished with it, because then I won’t have anything to be this excited about anymore.
How sorry is that, by the way? I am nowhere near done – especially if you consider the editing yet to come - and am already bumming about the prospect.
Anyway, my main reason for stopping by today is to let you all know that my niece’s brilliant husband Jared Schorr is showing a couple of pieces in a group show here in LA. The opening reception is this weekend. If the prospect of some really fine art is not enough of a draw, I shall be there Saturday night and who doesn’t want to hang out with me?
Show Details:
Opening Reception
Saturday, July 18th
7:00 pm – 10:30 pm
Black Maria Gallery
3137 Glendale Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90039
The show runs from July 18th – August 8th if you can’t make the opening
Speaking of Mr. Stinson…heartbreak has come to my little corner of the world, as I discovered that he is going to be moving. To Texas!
I can not even tell you how sad that makes me. I mean, good luck to him and all, but crap! Now I have to find a new honky tonk hero and let me just say that they are few and far between (although there is a remarkably large pool from which to choose here in the Southland).