This morning's text conversation between me and my redheaded sister...
ikss: Hey, do u like it or mind it when a guy you’re with calls you “baby”?
Redheaded Sister: I like it. As long as it is a guy I am with. Or M. It is cute when he does it.
ikss: That’s the thing – I think it depends on who’s saying it and in what context.
RS: I do like it in a relationship. And M just says funny stuff, so it is cute. Otherwise, maybe not so much.
ikss: I haven’t really been called “baby” much, except at times when I just wanted to punch the guy using the word. You know, it was meant to be demeaning…in that way that some guys demean women but then say they were trying to compliment them. Becuz they’re retarded.
RS: hahahahaha…yes, I know.
ikss: But, you know – it pops up in my novel frequently and I was thinking about Rose’s* feelings about the word.
RS: Truman* is cute when he calls her baby.
ikss: Yes, but I like that first scene when he does and she’s all “why does he keep calling me ‘baby’?” Obviously, she gets over it…
ikss: I just think it’s something she wouldn’t care for, initially, for obvious reasons. I think it’s appropriate that she gets over it, though.
RS: Truman can call me baby any time…
ikss: Word
ikss: Although, frankly, he could call me his bitch and I’d still lay down the booty for him
RS: Word =)
ikss: I am totally in love with Truman…is it wrong that I have developed a crush on a fictional character of my own creation?
RS: =) I think that’s why you created him.
ikss: I like Rose, too; but I think I’d rather not-sleep with Truman.
RS: Not-sleep?
ikss: Well yes. Because while there is the sharing of a bed, there is little actual sleep involved…
ikss: The Old Man doesn’t call me “baby”. We’re more of a “babe” couple.
ikss: Also, we’re a couple of babes.
ikss: btw – Peter Facinelli (Carlisle Cullen) is on a show on Showtime called Nurse Jackie. It’s a great show and he is truly hilarious in it.
His talents are so wasted in that Twilight movie.
ikss: Plus…um…hubba-fucking-hubba
RS: Are you kidding me?
ikss: hey, he’s much cuter than he looks in that stupid movie
ikss: I was actually a fan of his b4 the movie and was very disappointed that he is soooooooooo boring in twilight
RS: He is that!
ikss: What – boring? Or cuter than he looks in the movie?
RS: Boring. I know nothing of cuter.
ikss: Trust me
RS: I always do
* Rose and Truman are the man characters in the novel I am writing.
I am so stealing this for when Mad Men starts up again on Sunday. Mmmm... Don...
Posted by: LiLu | Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 10:42 AM
Yes! Peter (Carlisle) could have been a way bigger part of Twilight. I just hope they get it right in Breaking Dawn. Seeing him getting everyone organized and ready for a fight should be sexy.
Posted by: Whitley | Friday, August 14, 2009 at 12:33 AM