So I finally saw New Moon this afternoon. Hey, don't judge. First of all, I was supposed to go with my redheaded sister during opening weekend and she up and went without me! I'm still bitter, so let's move on. Secondly, hello!Unemployed bum, remember? I presently have $3 in my checking account* so I had to wait for someone else to do the payin'. Enter The Old Man, who yes - actually took me to see New Moon. Must be love, eh? And C, Hey, I still saw the damn thing in a much more timely manner than is my usual pattern.
By the way, saw the trailer for Remember Me before the movie. Aside from the fact that Rob still needs a bit of work on his American accent, it looked quite good and I am looking forward to seeing it.
Text exchange with redheaded sister, post-movie:
ME: LOVED IT! It was way better than Twilight, for many reasons. Also? It kinda went downhill when Edward came back. Also? There's a big ol' scene with Bella and Alice in the trailers which isn't even in the movie! My recent adoration of Rob Pattinson's jaw porn aside, I am back on Team Jacob.
RS: Jacob with no shirt on is hard to resist.
ME: Yeah, even the Old Man made a comment about how Jacob looked much better sans shirt...but I thought he was really good in the part, too. Not just good to look at.
So there you have it: My in depth critique of the film, aside from this final thought: What? The fuck? Is up? With those fucking wigs??!! Seriously, how can you take the beauty that is Jackson Rathbone and do...that to it???? Alice fared little better with her wig. Jacob's was better than in Twilight, but still...who knew I would be so overjoyed when he chopped his locks? I was bummed in the books (but then, I have quite a weakness for long-haired Native American dudes).
I hope for Eclipsethey hired a new...Wigologist? Wiggist? Wig Master? Wig Wrangler? Key Wig Grip? Whatever the fuck. Just please allow Jackson to be beautiful. Do I ask for so much?
*As a side note, how depressing is it that I can give no money to Haiti relief efforts? Not even a measly $5 so that I can obtain a copy of the dy-no-mite ff compilation being put together by ms. kathy.
You rock my boat sister with your blunt honesty! You're not alone in the moneyless boat. As the underemployed single mom of two, we're always scraping. Yeah, it sucks, but I get to read fucktabulous stories like yours instead of watching sappy Twi movies over and over... That's a win for me! I love The Cocky and the Cougar (despite the title!@! Sorry but I hate that moniker... why is a mature woman with a healthy sex appetite deemed a predator? Damn paternal society?!)
Anyway, happy to be following your site, story and tweets, and always anxiously awaiting your witty wicked words.
Posted by: SteffiTwoBits | Monday, January 25, 2010 at 05:45 PM
Oh I hate that stupid moniker, too! My feelings are essentially reflected in Bellas little tirade against the term in chapter 2.
Yeah, this economy sucks...but the good news is that I actually have lots of time to write now, so I guess being an unemployed drain on society as my oldest brother would probably call me, works in my favor in that sense.
Thanks for reading sweetie!!!
:) ikss / Karen
Posted by: ikss | Monday, January 25, 2010 at 05:53 PM
I was just thinking the other day that it has been more than two months since the opening of New Moon... I can't remember the last movie that hung around for two months. And, as much as I think I may be flamed for saying this, it's not even that great of a movie. Don't get me wrong, I was there opening day and the eye-candy alone forced me to make a dentist's appointment, but it was a little uneven (and, truth be told, NM is not my favorite book) and it suffered from serious W-fail (wigs and wardrobe were godawful, imho). It's hard enough to make these actors look like teenagers, without dressing them like college interns at Vogue and GQ. The wiggery didn't help either. Eclipse, on the other hand, IS my favorite book, so I'll wait with bated breath to see if a new costume designer and wiggist (? ikss, I do like wig wrangler, but perhaps only because those fugly wigs were wrangle-worthy ?) takes us back to a time when HS students looked like HS students. Freakin' HOT HS students, but still...
Posted by: Krisbcullen | Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 12:11 PM
I am totally looking forward to Eclipse, I must admit. as far as the books go, it and New Moon are neck-and-neck in my mind. I barely made it thru Twilight. But then, unlike most of you Twlight weirdos, I happen to love Jacob.
Silly me for thinking the WARM guy with the killer biceps who can actually have sex with you is more attractive than the COLD guy who is afraid of killing you if he even slips you the tongue. Oh and have we mentioned the fact that Edward is a controlling stalker? OK and yes, I have a distinct bias in favor of Native American dudes.
But yes. Rob Pattinson is pretty.
Posted by: ikss | Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 12:24 PM