I have to admit that I was a bit nervous preparing to interview Edward Masen, aka The Cocky, central figure in my story The Cocky and The Cougar. I’ve read of his immeasurable charms, of course; his deep green eyes, his slightly crooked grin and of course his newfound appreciation for older women. I do pride myself on maintaining a certain level of professionalism at all times, but I am only human after all.
My intrigue over the man behind the myth, however, far outweighed any apprehension I may have had over my ability to keep my hands to myself while I had him on the couch. Much has been written, discussed and hypothesized of late about the moral character (or lack thereof) of Mr. Masen: cocky love interest of Bella Swan, Director of Sales for Con-Vert, and undisputed Sexy Motherfucker. It seems to be the consensus that, despite being discussed to such an extent and appearing in no less than eighteen chapters written by yours truly, to many the man remains an enigma.
Until now.
In response to the prodding by and with the cooperation of the lovely and brilliant twanza and the equally delightful Chele681, Edward agreed to sit down for an interview. The call went out far and wide and your questions were sent in via various digital media – Twitter, the Twilighted Forum Thread dedicated to The Cocky and The Cougar, even my own personal blog. Once those questions were compiled, Edward sat down with me on a comfy sofa and here are the results of our conversation. These are his words, straight from the horse’s mouth.
Edward arrived at the appointed place exactly on time, something that impressed me and appealed to my anal-retentive nature. He was dressed casually, in blue jeans and a plain, blue tee shirt. He wore blue Doc Martens on his feet, which I adored. In fact, I was wearing my own pair of white Docs and we laughed for a moment while comparing shoes before we got down to business.
For the interview, please see The Extraordinary Fic Club.