Well now hey there kids. So what's been going on?
I am rapidly discovering just how busy an unemployed bum can be, lemme tell ya. It seems I never have time for anything anymore. I did, however, find time to go to the Bolshoi Ballet last night. They performed Don Quixote and it was wonderful. It should come as a surprise to nobody that I cried in the third act. Because you can't take me anywhere.
In other news, I think the man sitting next to me had some sort of stomach flu. I might have felt badly for him except... oh my sweet lord, the stench!
And of course I now live in fear that I caught whatever form of Nile/Swine/Bird/Horse/Mad Cow Disease he had.
In spite of my busy-ness, I will have to find time to write six new original songs because I have a "surprise" gig coming up at the end of April. It's a surprise because I received a text a couple of weeks ago announcing that I had this gig and that I need to write six new songs (because I do not have a sufficient number of songs written with the guys I am doing this with to fill a set).
I am happy to have the gig and excited about it in most of the usual ways, but having to write songs right now does not enthrall me. Especially under the pressure of a deadline. And especially when my usual songwriting partner is not involved in this project.
I'm more than half-tempted to just do cover songs. Hell, nobody has ever heard of most of the music I listen to anyway. Who would know, right?
Don't worry, I would never do that...probably.
It's just kind of nerve-wracking because I haven't been writing songs lately. I've been writing prose. It's not easy for me to switch back and forth. Plus... Oh my stars, but I have so much writing on my plate right now. I'm not a machine over here, people!
Speaking of writing prose, I am starting to workshop that novel I have been working on with Fictionista Workshop. The forum for my workshop will be public, so feel free to take a look if you'd care to (just click the link. The name of my workshop is The Previous Fall. I will post a few, unedited chapters each week). Essentially, my work will be read by and I will receive feedback from editors, copywriters, other writers, readers, etc. There is a team of people assigned to my little novel exclusively. I have not been this excited about anything for a long time and I honestly can't believe I was picked for this.
I have only 5-6 chapters left to write/post of The Cocky and The Cougar, about which I have mixed emotions. As I said on the forum thread a few days ago, it kind of feels like I'm a few weeks away from graduating college. I'm excited and it's what I've been working for and I'm really ready to move on, but it's also sad and a little scary. I am glad I will have more time to devote to that other Twific story I write, How to Write a Love Song, though, that's for sure. I feel like I've been neglecting one of my children.
I have one last bit of remarkable news of note and if you're a long-time reader of this blog you may want to sit down for this one because it's a shocker.
I no longer have television.
See, when one loses one's job, one may be forced to make certain choices about what one wants to spend money on. And seeing as, even though I've been unemployed since the beginning of September, I only received my first unemployment check last week (don't ask. It's such along and horrific story and I only recently started recovering from the ulcer it gave me. I don't want to aggravate it), I had to make some tough choices. I let the cable go.
I know. I can't even believe it myself and I have had a couple of months to get used to it. There's still a gaping hole in my life.
And of course Elvis Costello chose to have both U2 and Springsteen on his show Spectacleafter I had the cable shut off. Whatever. I thought you loved me Declan!
Not to mention, I am missing The Amazing Race. I'd better have a fucking income before Top Chefstarts again, that's all I'm sayin'.
So The Old Man and I have been watching a lot of rented movies lately, because that we can do on the cheap. But that is a whole other blog post on its own, cuz you know I got chit to say about those movies (especially The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I mean, what? The fuck?). We've also actually gone out to the movies a couple of times.
I know! Are you sure you're reading the right blog?
So that's all the news that's fit to print for now (I have other news, but it ain't fittin', it just ain't fittin'*). Look for my always timely movie reviews shortly.
Peace, love and smooches, y'all!
*If you know what I a referencing there I will kiss you full on the mouth and love you forever.
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