In March 2007, Stacie Holeman, known as truelovepooh in fandom and on LJ, was diagnosed with breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Because she had just started a new job, she was within the 90-day enrollment period for her new medical insurance. As a result, Stacie joined the ranks of millions of uninsured Americans.
Two years and several surgeries later, Stacie has over $240,000 in accumulated medical bills and is struggling to continue treatment. Basic elements of her cancer protocol, such as radiation treatments, medication, and hospitalization, are either limited or completely unavailable to her without up-front cash payment. The fight for her life is literally dependent upon her ability to pay cash for medical care.
My ass is up for auction in support of Stacie and I'll basically write anything you desire. For a price, of course. Click the banner for details and place your bids March 26-29.
Two years and several surgeries later, Stacie has over $240,000 in accumulated medical bills and is struggling to continue treatment. Basic elements of her cancer protocol, such as radiation treatments, medication, and hospitalization, are either limited or completely unavailable to her without up-front cash payment. The fight for her life is literally dependent upon her ability to pay cash for medical care.
My ass is up for auction in support of Stacie and I'll basically write anything you desire. For a price, of course. Click the banner for details and place your bids March 26-29.