Apparently, my assumptions that I have only two readers of this here blog have been erroneous. I may have as many as five – count ‘em, five - regular readers! Yay for the ikss!
The reason I am making such a high-fallutin’ claim is that I have received not one, not two, but five emails asking for details as to what supplements I take, exactly, and why. So rather than write five long-winded emails, I thought I would answer the questions I received in a blog entry.
My apologies to Andrea, who received such a long-winded email before I realized I would be asked essentially the same questions by several different parties…
Needless to say, I am not a doctor and I’ve never even played one on t.v. The following is just stuff I have learned over the years, after reading a lot and looking in to various health issues I have had and also from working at The Vitamin Shoppe (yes, I was working two jobs for about a year, ostensibly to save money toward European travel. And you wonder why I did not blog for so long). I of course think I know everything, but to be safe you may want to read up on these things yourself or even ask your doctor – who will probably steer you away from natural supplements and toward pharmaceuticals, but that is an entirely different subject.
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