There is a high school-related meme going around…I don’t remember at whose blog I found it but if I stole it from you, give yourself a plug in my comments section and please accept my apologies.
1. Did you date someone from your school senior year? Nope. Oddly, I didn’t really date guys from my school until after I graduated. Except that time I went to see Splash with that guy Jim, from whom I never even got a goodnight kiss and who turned out to be gay so I don’t even think he counts. I didn’t date much at all before the age of 19, but if/when I did they were guys who were older than I and did not attend my school. For many years, my substantial charms seemed lost on guys my own age.
2. Did you marry someone from your high school? While I would love to think that somewhere on this planet, a lonely and unfulfilled John Vitale is sitting, drinking and smoking in an under-lit room, regretting the day he spurned my eighth-grade crush, I feel somewhat certain that the guys I went to school with would laugh hysterically at the thought of being married to me.
3. Did you carpool to school? I usually walked to school. For about a year (when I lived with my brunette sister and her kids and they lived farther away from my school) my friend Patty would pick me up in her old, green Ford Granada.
4. What kind of car did you drive? I didn’t drive while in school…at least not legally. I got my license at 18 (I was out of high school at 16). At that time, I drove a Toyota Tercel. Although it belonged to my Dad. I didn’t own my first car until a few years later.
5. What kind of car do you have now? A 2009 VW Jetta TDI
6. It's Friday night - where were you (in high school)? Maybe going to see Rocky Horror Picture Show or to a party…but probably just hanging out at my house listening to music, since I did that most nights.
7. It is Friday night - where are you (now)? I tend to stay at home on Friday nights. Because I’m old and I work all week and by Friday I can only think of sleep…heavenly, precious sleep. But sometimes, certain people will drag me out to a bar…
8. What kind of job did you have in high school? My first job, at 16, was at Round Table Pizza. That was followed up by a stint at the old Retail Giant Gemco before I landed at Tower Records.
9. What kind of job do you do now? I run the Credit and Collections department for a horticultural business (The Friendly Flower Place). You know those plants you are buying at The Home Depot now that Spring has Sprung? Yeah, somebody had to sell those to Home Depot before they got to you.
10. Were you a party animal? In spite of my teen-aged struggles, I managed to have a lot of fun. I would not say I was a “party animal” in the traditional sense, though. I didn’t do any drugs (I didn’t even smoke the mota until I was 30 years old) and I rarely drank alcohol (I know - hard to believe, ain’t it?). I hung out with the drama and band geeks and we sang show tunes and my friend Patty and I would impersonate the Solid Gold Dancers at our parties. It was geeky fun, but fun was had.
11. Were you considered a flirt? Not then. I barely spoke to anybody then and when I did it was most likely with a grimace on my face. Now is an entirely different story. I still have the grimace, of course, but I have a horrible tendency to flirt. With everyone. Not even just with men I find attractive, either. Old people, women, dogs…I don’t even know when it’s happening. It’s completely beyond my control.
12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Choir, yes.
13. Were you a nerd? Not in the sense that I got good grades and studied all the time. I also had very clear skin at that age. I was a social outcast and hung out with other social outcasts, so in that sense I was. However, I like to think I was the coolest of the nerds…
14. Did you get suspended or expelled? I suspended myself enough. I got in trouble for just not showing up to school, so I think suspending me would have been punishment which did not actually suit the crime.
15. Can you sing the fight song? Um…no. I doubt I even knew it then.
16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)? I don’t even remember their names…Oh, OK, Mr. Lapp was my choir teacher and I did learn a lot from him, actually. More than I did in the actual voice lessons I took subsequently.
17. Where did you sit during lunch? I wasn’t usually on school property, but when I was I would hang outside of the arts buildings, with all of the other punks, geeks and misfits.
18. If you could go back and do it again, would you? That’s an interesting question for me…I would never want to go back to that time in my life, because I was miserable and high school for me was not at all fun. However, I wish I could have actually done the work I needed to do to get good grades and go on to a good university. I kick myself daily for being so stubborn and arrogant and short-sighted and undisciplined…but I’m still stubborn, arrogant and undisciplined so even were I go to back to that time, I would probably do the exact same, stupid things I did then.
19. Did you have fun at Prom? I never went to Prom.
20. Do you still talk to your prom date? See above. But even had I gone, I doubt I’d still talk to my date. I do not talk to anybody from that time in my life (although there are actually three people I would like to re-connect with).
21. What did you want to be when you grew up? A songwriter.
22. Biggest fashion mistake? It was the eighties, people. Take your pick.
23. Favorite fashion trend? Shoulder pads.
24. Are you going to your next reunion? I doubt it. I haven’t been to one yet.
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