Settle in, kids. It's gonna be a long one.
The other day, I sent an email to The Holder of the Fic List (the Fic List being, for those of you who don’t know, a list of Twilight fanfiction stories which have been downloaded from the net and saved in pdf form. Copies of these fics are therefore available even if the fics have been or eventually will be pulled from the ‘net). I assume there is more than one holder of such a list and database of fics, but this is the only one I know about and it has been talked about a lot lately.
Before I launch into what will inevitably be a long-winded explanation of my feelings about downloading copies of people’s work and possibly distributing it, let me say first that I perused this fic list a few weeks ago and was delighted to find a couple of fics that I never got the chance to read, Poughkeepsie, being one of them. If I promise MrsTheKing that I will buy three copies of her book should she ever publish, do you think I’d be excused for reading this, even though she pulled it moons ago?
Anyway, so as I was perusing the list I saw that my own fic, The Cocky and The Cougar is listed. This seems odd to me, since my fic is still readily available online and I have no plans to pull it, but whatever. I honestly didn’t and do not care. Plus, based on some emails I’ve received over the past few months, I think some people are confused. They know I’m working on original work on the hope of publishing and in light of how many people have been pulling fics to publish them with Omnific or TWCS, well, they put two and two together and assume that’s what I’m doing. So maybe that’s why it was downloaded—a preemptive strike, as it were. Except that I’m not pulling the story. Cocky/Cougar is a work of Twilight fanficton and will never be pulled for publishing. My own personal feeling is that converting one’s fanfic into an “original” piece of fiction and publishing it is, at the very least, immoral and it borders on illegal. I just don’t think it’s right and I gotta tell you that I feel kind of shitty saying this in public because there are people that I am friendly with who are doing just that.
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